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Topic:   EasyDNC buffering problem

By: MarkPosted on: Apr 23 2016 at 12:33:09 PM
We are drip feeding a Fanuc 15-MA via EasyDNC 4.7 running under Windows 7. We are experiencing buffering problems that are causing our programs to run extremely slow. When DNC is initiated, the program transmits and fills the CNC buffer. The machine will run smoothly until the buffer is emptied. From that point on, the CNC dwells and hesitates, waiting for very slow transmission of code from PC. If feed hold is pushed, buffer will fill up, then quickly exhaust again when feed hold is released. There are never any alarms or errors at the CNC, just excruciatingly slow program execution. Baud rate is set to 9600. In old days of DOS and MCOMM, we never experienced these issues. Does anyone have solution or suggestions? Thanks

By: MarkPosted on: Apr 25 2016 at 05:40:52 PM
For those interested - the solution was to set the Block Delay & StepSize parameters to "Fast". I had no idea what an affect they have on transmit speed, so mind these settings when you are configuring EasyDNC. Cheers

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