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Topic:   siemens acramatic 2100

By: GuestPosted on: Jun 4 2015 at 02:44:59 PM
hi, does this remo dnc5.0 work with siemens acramatic 2100? i dont really know how to set it up

By: GuestPosted on: Jun 5 2015 at 06:20:55 PM
It works with most machines.

Sometimes, if you dont know any of the CNC parameters, its best to use trial and error. Doesn't take long.

Set the dnc to 8bits no parity at a baud rate of 1200. Set it in receive mode and punch out a small program from the CNC and look at what you get on the computer display.

If it's 100% garbage then baud rate is wrong. Change the dnc baud rate to 2400 and try again.
But if the lines appear the correct length but only about 50% of the characters are correct then the baud rate is correct and you now need to change the dnc parity to 7bits Even.

Won't take long for you to try the most common baud rates. 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600

Apart from the parity you can pretty much ignore all the other settings and leave them at their defaults and the dnc will usually sort it out.

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